Foreword Coffee

Foreword Coffee provides training and employment for people with disabilities and mental health needs. By empowering them to serve specialty coffee at our cafes, we aim to reduce social stigma toward these marginalised communities.

raiSE has supported Foreword Coffee since its early days in 2017. Through raiSE’s programmes, such as networking sessions, mentorship programmes, membership benefits, and the VentureforGood grant, Foreword Coffee has expanded its social impact. This growth culminated in our recognition as the President’s Challenge Social Enterprise of the Year 2023.

Our social impact is integral to our operations, as our beneficiaries are also our employees. We provide a nurturing work environment where they can be gainfully employed. raiSE has provided numerous opportunities for us to share our journey, including marketing workshops for new social enterprises and exhibition opportunities like Photography for Good 2023 and Echelon 2024.