raiSE Singapore

The Singapore Centre for Social Enterprise, raiSE, is an ecosystem builder set up to raise awareness and support for Social Enterprises. As a membership body, raiSE provides credibility to them through the BusinessForGood branding and supports them with venture-building initiatives.

raiSE believes that Social Enterprises are the future of businesses. The evolving business landscape, driven by dynamic market trends, technological advancements, and societal changes, will emphasise ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles. Social Enterprises represent a growing trend in the business landscape, as they combine profit-making with social impact creation.

raiSE provides credibility, capability development resources, funding, and networking opportunities for Social Enterprise members to grow their business and social impact. Corporate partners and ecosystem stakeholders engage Social Enterprises to deepen their social impact initiatives through skilled volunteering, inclusive hiring, social procurement, marketplace opportunities, collaborative financing, and event sponsorship.


Website: www.raise.sg